Sunday, 21 September 2008

"And the family eats the girl."

I have a weird life. That is all I have to say right now.

"When things happen to people, they radiate a light. Because they have a picture caught inside them. Because they were there and you weren't. And because you only got a piece. And because all you can do is shrink and blow up that one tiny piece."

The Tracey Fragments

Music today:
Kanye West Love Lockdown
Reino & The Rhinos
Corinne Bailey Rae

Sunday, 14 September 2008

"Don't go down to Fannin' Street"

Today I spent the most wonderful afternoon so far. It was a lovely day with a shallow sun and quiet streets and a lot of potential to be brisk and frisky. I decided to take myself and all my endless thoughts outside for a walk to see the ocean and the beautiful buildings nearby. I saw them all with my past in present, everything I saw brought back many memories and thoughts that I had already forgotten a long time ago. It was overwhelming and very soothing. I even saw the singer of one of my favourite bands and it made me feel very infinite, like I was a part of some big secret. After a few weeks of nothing but running around the city, staying up late and hanging out with lot's of people, it was good, very good, to be alone and enjoy the autumn, the fall about to come.

Music today:
Scarlett Johansson
Ultra Bra
The soundtrack of Lost In Translation